Creutzfeldt-Jakob, 'Mad Cow' blood test now on the horizon
(Medical Xpress)—A simple blood test for Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease and Mad Cow disease is a step closer, following a breakthrough by medical researchers at the University of Melbourne.
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A new study at the Institute of Tropical Medicine (ITM) in Antwerp analyses the impact of animal brucellosis and bovine tuberculosis (BTB) on animals and people in urban, peri-urban and rural Niger....
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A new cow virus that causes neurologic symptoms reminiscent of mad cow disease has been identified and its genome sequenced by a team of researchers including scientists at the University of...
View ArticleWhole genome sequencing provides researchers with a better understanding of...
The use of whole bacterial genome sequencing will allow scientists to inexpensively track how bovine tuberculosis (TB) is transmitted from farm to farm, according to research presented this week at the...
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Badgers are ultimately responsible for roughly half of tuberculosis (TB) in cattle in areas with high TB prevalence, according to new estimates based on data from a previous badger culling trial.
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Research by scientists at the University of Liverpool has found that greater consideration of the limitations and uncertainties in infectious disease modelling would improve its usefulness and value.
View ArticleGenetic find might lead to cattle that are more resistant to TB
Scientists have identified genetic traits in cattle that might allow farmers to breed livestock with increased resistance to bovine tuberculosis (TB).
View ArticleStudy examines blood test to screen for fatal variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease
A blood test accurately screened for infection with the agent responsible for variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (vCJD), a fatal neurological disease.
View ArticleBrazil probes suspected case of mad cow disease
Brazil is probing a suspected case of "atypical" mad cow disease detected in the country, one of the world's biggest beef exporters, authorities said Friday.
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An emerging virus discovered in pigs and later in cows may have affected people without them even knowing it, according to South Dakota State University research assistant professor Natalie Thiex of...
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A Missouri company is recalling possibly tainted beef products distributed to restaurants and a grocery chain.
View ArticleResearchers find infectious prion protein in urine of patients with variant...
The misfolded and infectious prion protein that is a marker for variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease – linked to the consumption of infected cattle meat – has been detected in the urine of patients with...
View ArticleFirst successful vaccination against 'mad cow'-like wasting disease in deer
Researchers at NYU Langone Medical Center and elsewhere say that a vaccination they have developed to fight a brain-based, wasting syndrome among deer and other animals may hold promise on two...
View ArticleNorway detects "probable" case of mad cow disease
Norway said Wednesday it had detected a "probable" case of mad cow disease but urged consumers not to panic as it may not be the same variant as the British 1990s epidemic.
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